
We will set your video coverage to carefully selected music to enhance the emotional appeal, this adds an extra dimension to your wedding story.
Reality software  flash-gallery  creativecommons

Sample Video

Enjoy the sample above. This extract is from a beautiful church in Gloucestershire. More samples are on the Priceplan page. Amazing Wedding Day samples featuring romantic walks and other fabulous specialised sequences are all available on this page

Contact details

For further information don't hesitate to contact:
07949 593326

The Company

Reality software
Charfield Images © is a licenced company by PPL (Phonographic Performance Limited) for music dubbing. Music copyright licence fees are included in all package prices. The company was established in 2005 specialising in wedding filming and memorabilia. The business based in Gloucestershire caters for all special occasions. Memorabilia Videography © aim to provide a quality service to suit everybody's individual taste.

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